Hemisphere Highlights - Volume VIII, Issue 6 - June 2009

The province of Alberta, Canada announces an extension of incentives to attract investment in the oil and gas sector. Increased levels of drug-related violence in Mexico and the government’s military response may affect rates of protest ballots cast, and the death of 48 children in a day-care center fire sparks controversy over the transparency of the investigation into the cause of the fire. Voter boycotts of a runoff Senate election in Haiti suggest a growing lack of confidence in government legitimacy. A military coup in Honduras causes substantial international criticism and the country’s suspension of membership from the Organization of American States. The 2009 World Drug Report  notes changes in levels of coca production in the Andean Region, observing a decrease in Colombia and increases in Peru and Bolivia. Investigations begin into the participation of former government officials in illegal wiretapping activity in Colombia. Ecuador becomes a member of ALBA. Well-organized indigenous protests in Peru surprise government officials. Midterm elections in Argentina  mark a loss for the Kirtchner government coalition, as the country struggles to respond to a worsening public health situation due to the spreading H1N1 virus.

CSIS Americas Program