Key Official US and IAEA Statements About Iran’s Nuclear Programs

There is a great deal of speculation about Iran’s nuclear programs that do not list sources or reflect the views of the US intelligence community. It is worth examining what top US intelligence official have said during the last few years, and the details of the IAEA report published in November 2011 – one that clearly reflected official inputs from the US and a number of European intelligence services.

U.S. Official Statements on the Iranian Nuclear and Missile Threat

The annual unclassified reports to Congress by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence are a key source of US official view. Although the 2010 report by James R. Clapper has already been partly overtaken by the pace of Iran’s rapidly developing program, it still represents the most detailed unclassified estimate of Iran’s capabilities by a senior US official.

The new briefing is entitled Key Official US and IAEA Statements About Iran’s Nuclear Programs. It is available on the CSIS web site at:

Anthony H. Cordesman

Anthony H. Cordesman

Former Emeritus Chair in Strategy