ROK-U.S. Cooperation in Preparing for Korean Unification

Korea Chair Platform

For the last two years, the Park Geun-hye administration has consistently advanced its “trust-building process on the Korean peninsula.” The trust-building process was born from a critical retrospection of the history of inter-Korean relations. The two Koreas experienced division and war and have endured mainly constant conflict and confrontation with only momentary instances of dialogue, exchange and cooperation. There were some occasions when we temporarily moved from conflict and confrontation to cooperation and dialogue; but the fundamental nature of the relations did not change. That is why the ROK government came up with the trust-building process on the Korean peninsula. Through this policy we aim to ensure consistency and continuity throughout the process as well as predictability of our cooperation projects in order to build mutual trust, although it may take time and North Korea may not be cooperative.


The Korea Platform is made possible by the generous support of Samsung Electronics America.

The Honorable RYOO, Kihl-Jae